سعف النخيل ــ معجزة الطب البديل
من اجل بيان رحمت الله
من اجل بيان رحمت الله
في ملاحظة مرئية تكررت عدة مرات لاحظناها في النخيل الذي لا يزال في انتاجه الاول وتكون النخلة قصيرة ويمكن قطف ثمارها مباشرة دون تسلق النخلة كما جرت العادة عند حوي محصول التمر حيث لاحظنا حين نحوي شيء من التمر دون ان نرى الذباب متراكم عليه رغم كثافته في محيط النخلة وعند تكرار تلك الملاحظة تم ربط تلك الظاهرة (عزوف الذباب عن التمر) الى ظاهرة تدلي سعف النخلة الاخضر حول عناقيد التمر !! وذلك اوصلنا فكريا الى ان سعف النخيل يحوي على مواد طارده للذباب وهي عادة تكون نتيجه لمواد تمنع التعفن وذلك واضح في سعف النخيل فهو يختلف عن بقية اوراق الشجر التي تتفسخ عند تراكمها في حرارة دائفئة اما سعف النخيل فيحافظ على نضارته الخضراء حتى جفافه دون ان يمر بمرحلة العفن !
دفعتنا تلك المراشد الى استخدام نقيع سعف النخيل لمعالجة حالات الاضطراب المعوي والغثيان (الارجاع) كذلك استخدمنا نقيع السعف لتعقيم ارضية المنزل ومسح الاثاث المنزلي مما ادى الى تراجع كبير في ظهور الحشرات التي تقتحم المنازل مثل النمل والبعوض والذباب وكذلك تخفي اي نوع من انواع الروائح الراتنجية التي تظهر في كثير من المنازل والتي تعالج دائما برش العطور الصناعية
كنا نسعى للحصول على متخصصين اكاديميا لفحص نقيع سعف النخيل ومعرفة مكوناته لغرض انتاجها في احد معاملنا مصحوبة ببيانات علمية مصادق عليها رسميا ولم نعثر على من استعد لذلك النشاط المقرون بمكافأة مالية لأي اكاديمي واحد او اثنين لان يبحث في ذلك الشأن طوعا او بثمن !! ولكن الله ينصر عباده المجاهدين في سبيله
{ وَأُخْرَى تُحِبُّونَهَا نَصْرٌ مِنَ اللهِ وَفَتْحٌ قَرِيبٌ وَبَشِّرِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ } (سورة الصف 13)
حصل مؤخرا لقاء ودي بيننا وبين عضو كريم من اعضاء المعهد وهو الدكتور (ميثاق محسن) وكان ما ذكر اعلاه جزء من الحوار معه وبعد ايام ارسل لنا بحثا اكاديميا موثق في جامعة الكوفة وفيما يلي رابط ذلك البحث وهنا نسخة منه
Kufa Journal For Veterinary Medical Sciences Vol. (4) No. (1) 2013
Phytochemical characteristics of Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) leaves
Nadia K. J. Al-Dawah* Suad L. Ibrahim**
*Department of physiology , College of Vet. Medicine, University of Kufa
**Pharmaceutical chemistry department, College of Pharmacy, University of Kufa
E-mail: nadia_alsherefi@yahoo.com
Evaluation of the phytochemicals date palm leaves , .which have been shown the presence
of many medical compound that are significant to the human health like tannins , alkaloids ,
trepenoids , carbohydrate , phenols, amino acids and flavonoids . So, the recent research
activities are focused to assess natural sources date palm leaves antioxidants compounds .This
is what explains the use of herbal drugs have gained importance in recent years which its
efficacy and cost effectiveness few . Therefore, there is more growing trend in searching for
antioxidants of natural origin.
Key words: extraction of date palm leaves, phytochemicals.
خصائص التركيب النباتي لمستخلص سعف النخيل
ناديه كاظم جاسم الذواح*سعاد لطيف إبراهيم**
*فرع الفسلجة,كليه الطب البيطري
**فرع الصيدلة الكيميائية, كليه الصيدلة,جامعه الكوفة
تقدير المركبات النباتية في مستخلص سعف النخيل , وقد وجدت الدراسة وجود بعض المكونات الطبية الفعالة التي
تدخل في تركيب اكثر الادوية استخداما للشفاء من الأمراض ومنها, العفص, الفلافونويد ,الأحماض الامينيه , القلويات
, ترينودس والمركبات الفينولية . وهذا ما يفسر لنا استخدامها في الطب العشبي من قبل بعض العشابين وذلك لتوفرها
ورخص ثمنها وفعاليتها الشديدة للتقليل من شدة الإمراض أو للشفاء منها .
The date palm tree "Phoenix dactylifera
L" is one of the oldest fruit trees in the
Arab region and it is extensively cultivated
for its edible sweet fruit (1). The date palm
tree is so old in Iraq that many of the
names of its parts and the tools used for the
maintenance are Babylonian in origin, or
even older... but still in use today. In the
central region of Iraq, the date palms are
used in orchards to provide cover for the
more delicate citrus fruit trees such as
oranges and lemons. They provide shade
from the sun in summer and shelter from
the cold winds in winter. Iraq may be
considered the date palm country. Apart
from the northern part. Of the country, date
palm trees grow everywhere. The date
palm tree has been mentioned as the “tree
Kufa Journal For Veterinary Medical Sciences Vol. (4) No. (1) 2013
of life” (2). Each part of the palm tree can
be used to produce items of value for the
community. There are many
pharmaceutical companies show interest in
plant-derived drugs mainly due to the
current widespread believe that 'Green
Medicine' is safe and more dependable
than the costly synthetic drugs which may
have adverse side effects. As per the World
Health Organization (WHO) report, 80%
of the world population presently uses
herbal medicine for some aspect of
primary health care (3). About 42% of 25
top selling drugs marketed worldwide are
either directly obtained from natural
sources or entities derived from plant
products (4). Nearly, all cultures and
civilizations from ancient times to the
present day have depended fully or
partially on herbal medicine because of
their effectiveness, affordability,
availability, low toxicity and acceptability
(5). From this standpoint, we found it is
necessary to discover the benefits of this
blessed tree. Several studies have been
shown the beneficial effects on several
Nevertheless, there is insufficient
information regarding the phytochemical
study of palm leaves such as
phytochemical screening in order to detect
all secondary metabolites in the parts plant;
selective extraction of tannins and attempts
to separate the major constituent of tannins
which may be the active compound against
stomach diseases, antidiabetic,
antilipaemic etc.
Material and Methods:
Collection of plant material:
Cultivar of" Phoenix dactylifera L"
(fresh leaves) were collected from Najaf
prov. during April to May 2012. Collected
material was washed thoroughly in running
tap water, rinsed in distilled water and
shade dried for one week in open air,
crushed using mortar and pestle, reduced to
powder using waring laboratory blender
(MX-7011G) for 5 min at high speed and
then stored in airtight as a powder.
Extraction of polyphenolic compounds
from palm leaves:
Extraction of polyphynolic compounds
from palm leaves was preformed according
to (6) in two steps as following:
1. Two hundred (200) gm. of palm
leaves were crushed with 400ml of mixture
methanol 95% and distilled water (9:1),
mixed for 18h in magnetic stirrer at room
temperature, and then filtered under
vacuum using Whitman No. 1.
2. The filtrate residues from step one
was mixed again with 200ml of mixture
methanol 95% and distill water (1:1) for
18h in magnetic stirrer at room
temperature and the filtered was collected
as described in step one . Then the filtrate
collected in step 1 and 2 was evaporated in
incubator (42°c) to reach one –third of
original volumes.
The concentration extract was separated
from low organic materials by addition of
chloroform 20:100 (extract: chloroform) in
separatory funnel, then the mixture was left
for one hour to separate in two layers:
lower layer contain chloroform and upper
layer contain (total polyphenol). The upper
layer was separated with chloroform
10:100 (extract: chloroform), from the
upper layer, total polyphenol was collected
and dried at (40ºC) incubator and then
collected as powder.
Phytochemicals detection of the active
components of palm leaves:
Chemical tests were carried out on the
palm leaves extract by using standard
procedures to identify the constituents as
Detection of tannins:
500mg of extract was stirred with about 10
ml of distilled water and then filtered .four
drops (0.3 ml) of 1% ferric chloride
solution were added to 2 ml of the filtrate.
The occurrence of a blue-black, green, or
blue- green precipitate indicated the
presence of tannins (7).Kufa Journal For Veterinary Medical Sciences Vol. (4) No. (1) 2013
Detection of Steroids:
To 0.2 gm. of extract, 2ml of acetic acid
was add ,the solution was cooled in ice
,and then concentration H2SO4 was
carefully added . Color development from
violet to blue or bluish-green indicated the
presence of steroidal ring, i.e., a glycone
protion of cardiac glycoside (8).
Detection of terpenoids:
100 mg of extraction was dissolved
ethanol .Then, 1ml of acetic anhydride was
added, followed by the addition of
concentration hydrogen sulphate. A change
in color from pink to violet showed the
presence of trepenoids (8).
Detection of saponins:
1gm of extract was boiled with 5ml of
distilled water and filtered. then, 3ml of
distilled water was added to the filtrate,
and the mixture was shaken vigorously for
about 5 minute .then 5 ml of silver nitrate
was added to 5ml of extract solution in a
test tube, then it was put in boiling water
bath for 5 minutes, the appearance of silver
mirror on sides of test tube indicated
saponins existence. 1-3 ml of mercuric
chloride was added to 5 ml of extract,
appearance of white precipitant
represented a good indicator to saponins
existence (9).
Detection of flavonide:
NaOH Tests: To 2-3 ml of extract, few
drops of sodium hydroxide solution were
added in a test tube. Formation of intense
yellow color that became colorless on
addition of few drops of dilute HCl
indicated the presence of flavonoids (10).
Detection of alkaloids :
10 gm of extract were boiled in 50 ml
water acidified with 4%HCl, then filtered
and 0.5 ml of the supernatant was mixed
with Mayer reagent in watch glass, a white
precipitate indicated the presence of
alkaloids (11).
Detection of Phenol:
When 0.5 ml of FeCl 3 (w/v) solution
was added to 2 ml of test solution,
formation of an intense color indicated the
presence of phenols (10).
Salkowski Test: To 2 ml of extract, add
2ml chloroform and 2 ml concentrated
H2SO4and was shaken well. Chloroform
layer appeared red and acid layer showed
greenish yellow fluorescence indicated the
presence of sterols (10).
Liberman-Burchard’s Test: Mix 2ml
extract with chloroform. Add 1-2 ml acetic
anhydride and 2 drops concentrated H2SO4
from the side of the test tube. First red,
then blue and finally green color indicated
the presence of sterols (10).
Carbohydrates Molish’s Test: To 1 ml of
extract, 2 drops of Molisch’s regent was
added in a test tube and 2 ml of concentrate
H2SO4 was added carefully keeping the test
tube slightly curved. Formation of violet
ring at the junction indicated the presence
of glycosides (10).
Amino acids Ninhydrin Test: To 5 ml of
extract, 2 drops of freshly prepared 0.2 %
ninhydrin reagent was added and heated.
The appearance of blue color indicates the
presence of amino acids (10).
0.5 g of the extract was boiled with 10
ml of sulphuric acid (H2SO4) and filtered
while hot. The filtrate was shaken with 5
ml of chloroform. The chloroform layer
was pipette into another test tube and 1 ml
of dilute ammonia was added. The
resulting solution was observed for color
changes (10).
In the present investigation, preliminary
phytochemical screening has been shown
the results of palm leaves extract in table
(1).Kufa Journal For Veterinary Medical Sciences Vol. (4) No. (1) 2013
Table 1: Phytochemical analysis of the date palm leaves extracts
Chemical group Results
Tannins +
Flavonoids +
Saponnins +
Alkaloids +
Steroids -
Phenols +
Terpenoids +
Carbohydrates +
Amino acids +
Anthraquinones -
Positive sign (+) indicates presence, negative sign (-) indicates absence.
The methanol extract showed the
presence of alkaloids, flavanoids, phenols,
carbohydrates, saponnine, amino acids,
trepenoids and tannins.
The systemic research for useful bioactives
from the plants is now considered to be a
rational approach in nutraceuticals and
drug research. The results of
phytochemical analysis comprehensively
validate the presence of therapeutically
important and valuable secondary
metabolites (Alkaloids, Flavonoids,
Phenols, Tannins and terpenoids) in palm
leaves extract.
Medicinal plants are a source of great
economic value all over the world. Nature
has bestowed on us a very rich botanical
wealth and a large number of diverse types
of plants grow in different parts of the
country. Plant phenolics present in fruits
and vegetables have received considerable
attention because of their potential
antioxidant activities (12). Herbal extracts
contain different phytochemicals with
biological activity that can be of valuable
therapeutic index. Different
phytochemicals have been found to possess
a wide range of activities, which may help
in protection against chronic diseases (13).
The crude extracts of the palm leaves was
chemically and bioactive assayed for the
presence of phytochemical compounds
which could be responsible for their
medicinal use in traditional medicine, as
anti-diabetic, hyperlipidemia, and
treatment of Broncho-pneumonia (14).
This study showed the methanol extract of
polyphynol tested positive for the presence
of tannins, saponine and trepenoids,
flavonoide, alkaloide, amino acid.
Tannins is a group of phenolic
compounds found to form irreversible
complexes with proline rich protein (15,
16). Resulting in the inhibition of cell
protein synthesis (17). Reported that
tannins are known to react with proteins to
provide the typical tanning effect which is
important for the treatment of inflamed or
ulcerated tissues. Herbs that have tannins
as their main components are astringent in
nature and are used for treating intestinal
disorders such as diarrhea and dysentery
(18). Alkaloids exhibit marked
physiological effects when administered to
animals and hence their wide use in
medicine for development of drugs (11,
19). They produce analgesic,
antispasmodic and bactericidal effects (20).
Also, this study showed presence of
flavonides have been phenolic compounds
and plant phenolics are a major group of
compounds that act as primary antioxidants
or free radical scavengers used for
medicinal purposes e.g. catechol,
hydroquinine and resorcinol are phenolic
salicylates used as analgesics, antipyreticsKufa Journal For Veterinary Medical Sciences Vol. (4) No. (1) 2013
and as internal antiseptics in medicine and
surgery (21). Triterpenoids and saponins
showed the analgesic properties and central
nervous system activities (22, 23, and 24).
The phytochemical screening of palm
leaves extract demonstrated the presence of
alkaloids, flavonoids, phenols,
phytosterols, tannins, amino acids,
terpenoids , and carbohydrates. The
phytochemicals present in palm leaves
extract have well known curative activity
against several human pathogens and
therefore could suggest the use
traditionally for the treatment of various.
1. El-Shibli S and Korelainen H
(2009) Biodiversity of date palm (Phoenix
dactylifera L.) in Sudan: Chemical,
morphological and DNA polymorphism of
selected cultivars. Plant Genet. Resour.(7),
2. Augstburger, F., Berger, J.,
Censkowsky, U., Heid, P., Milz, J., &
Streit, C. (2002). Date Palm. Naturland.
3. Sujatha S (2005).Complementary
and alternative therapies in palliative care:
a transition from modern medicine to
traditional medicine in India. J. Cancer
Pain and Symptom Palliation 1: 25-9.
4. Ramya S, Govindaraji V, Kannan
NK, Jayakumararaj R (2008). In Vitro
Evaluation of Antibacterial Activity Using
Crude Extracts of Catharanthus roseus L.
(G.) Don. Ethnobotanical Leaflets 12:
5. Akharaiyi, F. C. and Boboye, B.
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6. Markham,K.R. (1982). Techniques
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7. Sofowora A. Screening plants for
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8. Trease GE, Evans WC.
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9. Harborne, J.B. (1984).
Phytochemical methods a guide to modern
techniques of plant analysis . Chapman and
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12. Lopez-velez M, Martinez-Martinez
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13. Augusti KT, Cherian S. Insulin
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16. Fluck, H., Medicinal Plants and
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17. Parekh, J., Chanda, S., Braz. J.
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18. Dharmananda, S., Gallnuts and the
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22. Sayyah M, Hadidi N, Kamalinejad
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الرابط :
Phytochemical characteristics of Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) leaves
Nadia K. J. Al-Dawah* Suad L. Ibrahim**
*Department of physiology , College of Vet. Medicine, University of Kufa
**Pharmaceutical chemistry department, College of Pharmacy, University of Kufa
E-mail: nadia_alsherefi@yahoo.com
Evaluation of the phytochemicals date palm leaves , .which have been shown the presence
of many medical compound that are significant to the human health like tannins , alkaloids ,
trepenoids , carbohydrate , phenols, amino acids and flavonoids . So, the recent research
activities are focused to assess natural sources date palm leaves antioxidants compounds .This
is what explains the use of herbal drugs have gained importance in recent years which its
efficacy and cost effectiveness few . Therefore, there is more growing trend in searching for
antioxidants of natural origin.
Key words: extraction of date palm leaves, phytochemicals.
خصائص التركيب النباتي لمستخلص سعف النخيل
ناديه كاظم جاسم الذواح*سعاد لطيف إبراهيم**
*فرع الفسلجة,كليه الطب البيطري
**فرع الصيدلة الكيميائية, كليه الصيدلة,جامعه الكوفة
تقدير المركبات النباتية في مستخلص سعف النخيل , وقد وجدت الدراسة وجود بعض المكونات الطبية الفعالة التي
تدخل في تركيب اكثر الادوية استخداما للشفاء من الأمراض ومنها, العفص, الفلافونويد ,الأحماض الامينيه , القلويات
, ترينودس والمركبات الفينولية . وهذا ما يفسر لنا استخدامها في الطب العشبي من قبل بعض العشابين وذلك لتوفرها
ورخص ثمنها وفعاليتها الشديدة للتقليل من شدة الإمراض أو للشفاء منها .
The date palm tree "Phoenix dactylifera
L" is one of the oldest fruit trees in the
Arab region and it is extensively cultivated
for its edible sweet fruit (1). The date palm
tree is so old in Iraq that many of the
names of its parts and the tools used for the
maintenance are Babylonian in origin, or
even older... but still in use today. In the
central region of Iraq, the date palms are
used in orchards to provide cover for the
more delicate citrus fruit trees such as
oranges and lemons. They provide shade
from the sun in summer and shelter from
the cold winds in winter. Iraq may be
considered the date palm country. Apart
from the northern part. Of the country, date
palm trees grow everywhere. The date
palm tree has been mentioned as the “tree
Kufa Journal For Veterinary Medical Sciences Vol. (4) No. (1) 2013
of life” (2). Each part of the palm tree can
be used to produce items of value for the
community. There are many
pharmaceutical companies show interest in
plant-derived drugs mainly due to the
current widespread believe that 'Green
Medicine' is safe and more dependable
than the costly synthetic drugs which may
have adverse side effects. As per the World
Health Organization (WHO) report, 80%
of the world population presently uses
herbal medicine for some aspect of
primary health care (3). About 42% of 25
top selling drugs marketed worldwide are
either directly obtained from natural
sources or entities derived from plant
products (4). Nearly, all cultures and
civilizations from ancient times to the
present day have depended fully or
partially on herbal medicine because of
their effectiveness, affordability,
availability, low toxicity and acceptability
(5). From this standpoint, we found it is
necessary to discover the benefits of this
blessed tree. Several studies have been
shown the beneficial effects on several
Nevertheless, there is insufficient
information regarding the phytochemical
study of palm leaves such as
phytochemical screening in order to detect
all secondary metabolites in the parts plant;
selective extraction of tannins and attempts
to separate the major constituent of tannins
which may be the active compound against
stomach diseases, antidiabetic,
antilipaemic etc.
Material and Methods:
Collection of plant material:
Cultivar of" Phoenix dactylifera L"
(fresh leaves) were collected from Najaf
prov. during April to May 2012. Collected
material was washed thoroughly in running
tap water, rinsed in distilled water and
shade dried for one week in open air,
crushed using mortar and pestle, reduced to
powder using waring laboratory blender
(MX-7011G) for 5 min at high speed and
then stored in airtight as a powder.
Extraction of polyphenolic compounds
from palm leaves:
Extraction of polyphynolic compounds
from palm leaves was preformed according
to (6) in two steps as following:
1. Two hundred (200) gm. of palm
leaves were crushed with 400ml of mixture
methanol 95% and distilled water (9:1),
mixed for 18h in magnetic stirrer at room
temperature, and then filtered under
vacuum using Whitman No. 1.
2. The filtrate residues from step one
was mixed again with 200ml of mixture
methanol 95% and distill water (1:1) for
18h in magnetic stirrer at room
temperature and the filtered was collected
as described in step one . Then the filtrate
collected in step 1 and 2 was evaporated in
incubator (42°c) to reach one –third of
original volumes.
The concentration extract was separated
from low organic materials by addition of
chloroform 20:100 (extract: chloroform) in
separatory funnel, then the mixture was left
for one hour to separate in two layers:
lower layer contain chloroform and upper
layer contain (total polyphenol). The upper
layer was separated with chloroform
10:100 (extract: chloroform), from the
upper layer, total polyphenol was collected
and dried at (40ºC) incubator and then
collected as powder.
Phytochemicals detection of the active
components of palm leaves:
Chemical tests were carried out on the
palm leaves extract by using standard
procedures to identify the constituents as
Detection of tannins:
500mg of extract was stirred with about 10
ml of distilled water and then filtered .four
drops (0.3 ml) of 1% ferric chloride
solution were added to 2 ml of the filtrate.
The occurrence of a blue-black, green, or
blue- green precipitate indicated the
presence of tannins (7).Kufa Journal For Veterinary Medical Sciences Vol. (4) No. (1) 2013
Detection of Steroids:
To 0.2 gm. of extract, 2ml of acetic acid
was add ,the solution was cooled in ice
,and then concentration H2SO4 was
carefully added . Color development from
violet to blue or bluish-green indicated the
presence of steroidal ring, i.e., a glycone
protion of cardiac glycoside (8).
Detection of terpenoids:
100 mg of extraction was dissolved
ethanol .Then, 1ml of acetic anhydride was
added, followed by the addition of
concentration hydrogen sulphate. A change
in color from pink to violet showed the
presence of trepenoids (8).
Detection of saponins:
1gm of extract was boiled with 5ml of
distilled water and filtered. then, 3ml of
distilled water was added to the filtrate,
and the mixture was shaken vigorously for
about 5 minute .then 5 ml of silver nitrate
was added to 5ml of extract solution in a
test tube, then it was put in boiling water
bath for 5 minutes, the appearance of silver
mirror on sides of test tube indicated
saponins existence. 1-3 ml of mercuric
chloride was added to 5 ml of extract,
appearance of white precipitant
represented a good indicator to saponins
existence (9).
Detection of flavonide:
NaOH Tests: To 2-3 ml of extract, few
drops of sodium hydroxide solution were
added in a test tube. Formation of intense
yellow color that became colorless on
addition of few drops of dilute HCl
indicated the presence of flavonoids (10).
Detection of alkaloids :
10 gm of extract were boiled in 50 ml
water acidified with 4%HCl, then filtered
and 0.5 ml of the supernatant was mixed
with Mayer reagent in watch glass, a white
precipitate indicated the presence of
alkaloids (11).
Detection of Phenol:
When 0.5 ml of FeCl 3 (w/v) solution
was added to 2 ml of test solution,
formation of an intense color indicated the
presence of phenols (10).
Salkowski Test: To 2 ml of extract, add
2ml chloroform and 2 ml concentrated
H2SO4and was shaken well. Chloroform
layer appeared red and acid layer showed
greenish yellow fluorescence indicated the
presence of sterols (10).
Liberman-Burchard’s Test: Mix 2ml
extract with chloroform. Add 1-2 ml acetic
anhydride and 2 drops concentrated H2SO4
from the side of the test tube. First red,
then blue and finally green color indicated
the presence of sterols (10).
Carbohydrates Molish’s Test: To 1 ml of
extract, 2 drops of Molisch’s regent was
added in a test tube and 2 ml of concentrate
H2SO4 was added carefully keeping the test
tube slightly curved. Formation of violet
ring at the junction indicated the presence
of glycosides (10).
Amino acids Ninhydrin Test: To 5 ml of
extract, 2 drops of freshly prepared 0.2 %
ninhydrin reagent was added and heated.
The appearance of blue color indicates the
presence of amino acids (10).
0.5 g of the extract was boiled with 10
ml of sulphuric acid (H2SO4) and filtered
while hot. The filtrate was shaken with 5
ml of chloroform. The chloroform layer
was pipette into another test tube and 1 ml
of dilute ammonia was added. The
resulting solution was observed for color
changes (10).
In the present investigation, preliminary
phytochemical screening has been shown
the results of palm leaves extract in table
(1).Kufa Journal For Veterinary Medical Sciences Vol. (4) No. (1) 2013
Table 1: Phytochemical analysis of the date palm leaves extracts
Chemical group Results
Tannins +
Flavonoids +
Saponnins +
Alkaloids +
Steroids -
Phenols +
Terpenoids +
Carbohydrates +
Amino acids +
Anthraquinones -
Positive sign (+) indicates presence, negative sign (-) indicates absence.
The methanol extract showed the
presence of alkaloids, flavanoids, phenols,
carbohydrates, saponnine, amino acids,
trepenoids and tannins.
The systemic research for useful bioactives
from the plants is now considered to be a
rational approach in nutraceuticals and
drug research. The results of
phytochemical analysis comprehensively
validate the presence of therapeutically
important and valuable secondary
metabolites (Alkaloids, Flavonoids,
Phenols, Tannins and terpenoids) in palm
leaves extract.
Medicinal plants are a source of great
economic value all over the world. Nature
has bestowed on us a very rich botanical
wealth and a large number of diverse types
of plants grow in different parts of the
country. Plant phenolics present in fruits
and vegetables have received considerable
attention because of their potential
antioxidant activities (12). Herbal extracts
contain different phytochemicals with
biological activity that can be of valuable
therapeutic index. Different
phytochemicals have been found to possess
a wide range of activities, which may help
in protection against chronic diseases (13).
The crude extracts of the palm leaves was
chemically and bioactive assayed for the
presence of phytochemical compounds
which could be responsible for their
medicinal use in traditional medicine, as
anti-diabetic, hyperlipidemia, and
treatment of Broncho-pneumonia (14).
This study showed the methanol extract of
polyphynol tested positive for the presence
of tannins, saponine and trepenoids,
flavonoide, alkaloide, amino acid.
Tannins is a group of phenolic
compounds found to form irreversible
complexes with proline rich protein (15,
16). Resulting in the inhibition of cell
protein synthesis (17). Reported that
tannins are known to react with proteins to
provide the typical tanning effect which is
important for the treatment of inflamed or
ulcerated tissues. Herbs that have tannins
as their main components are astringent in
nature and are used for treating intestinal
disorders such as diarrhea and dysentery
(18). Alkaloids exhibit marked
physiological effects when administered to
animals and hence their wide use in
medicine for development of drugs (11,
19). They produce analgesic,
antispasmodic and bactericidal effects (20).
Also, this study showed presence of
flavonides have been phenolic compounds
and plant phenolics are a major group of
compounds that act as primary antioxidants
or free radical scavengers used for
medicinal purposes e.g. catechol,
hydroquinine and resorcinol are phenolic
salicylates used as analgesics, antipyreticsKufa Journal For Veterinary Medical Sciences Vol. (4) No. (1) 2013
and as internal antiseptics in medicine and
surgery (21). Triterpenoids and saponins
showed the analgesic properties and central
nervous system activities (22, 23, and 24).
The phytochemical screening of palm
leaves extract demonstrated the presence of
alkaloids, flavonoids, phenols,
phytosterols, tannins, amino acids,
terpenoids , and carbohydrates. The
phytochemicals present in palm leaves
extract have well known curative activity
against several human pathogens and
therefore could suggest the use
traditionally for the treatment of various.
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